Touch for Health Song

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Touch for Health Song


The song is written and performed by Misfit Pearl and the Odd Fellows for the IKC Balancathon event on 29th September 2018. It is played at a speed ideal for muscle dancing or cross crawling. Revenue from sales is split equally between the Touch for Health Charity, the International Kinesiology College, and the artists. Find out more information about the artists here

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You can feel it feel it changing

Wondering what to do

May be to change the world

You have to balance you

Tapping core love global energy

Flowing through

Creating positive energy for the children to grow in to


We can all come together with a world view of caring

Common goal of reaching potential

Heart to heart sharing

Tapping core love global energy flowing through

Creating positive energy for the children to grow in to


Starts with you feeling good about you

Jumping in to life, LIFE!

And feeling alright